I believe, a smile =) is a curve that sets everything straight ♥


Monday, August 11, 2014

On 10:13 PM by Connie Lam in ,     1 comment



1. 这辈子能有多少次心跳加速话都快说不出来的时刻?我没谈过恋爱,但我知道,一个对爱情有信仰的人,应该珍惜每一次心动的时刻,然后勇敢追寻下一次,再下一次,然后再下一次。

2. 散发浓烈香气的肯亚。我也莫名其妙的在短短的交谈中,喜欢上了跟肯亚一样浓烈芬芳的他。

3. 一杯咖啡跟一个人之间当然有些关系。泽于特别喜欢和肯亚咖啡,在某种层次上正象征着他与遥远的肯亚,某处海拔一千多公尺的地方,甚至是某棵咖啡树发生了关系。这种关系既有万里遥远,却又近如杯口,肯亚与泽于内心的某个质素正联系着什么。

4. 于是,从一个误会跟一杯温暖的摩卡开始,我认识了阿拓。

5. 人与人之间啊,真不该如此脆弱。但情人与情人之间,却常常需要断裂得无比彻底才能释放彼此。

6. 热开水久了会温,温开水久了会冷。不一样的温度就不会是一样的感觉。

7. 寂寞的咖啡因。寂寞的我在寂寞的夜,寂寞的想着寂寞的你,寂寞的风,寂寞的雨,寂寞地数着每颗晨星,而寂寞的夜,寂寞地泡在咖啡因里。

8. 他是一杯清澈的白开水,也将所有人看成透明,他的世界很简单,也所以很有趣。

9. 越没有心机越不知所云的谈话,越是堆积情感的深秋落叶,猛一回神已将彼此掩埋。

10. 眼泪在大风中迅速被吹干,笑容却随着泪痕刻在我心里。

11. 泽于就像耀眼夺目的钻石,看起来是每个人追求的梦想,然而这样的钻石之所以璀璨,可都是多位鉴赏者目光雕作而成的。

12. 阿拓虽然质朴无华,但并非沉在河底等待发掘的玉石,而是参天巨木,低头寻找宝物的一辈子也看不见他,除非好好将头抬起来。

13. 人生的脖子很长。

14. 而我每天,都会安安静静,喝上一罐分不清里面装的是友情,还是掺了一点点爱情的仙草蜜。

15. 我不确定,我现在匆匆寻找的目的地,是不是爱情。不过,我的泪水告诉我,那是一段非常非常重要的记忆,一个非常非常重要的人。

16. 时速,一百公里。时间,八点四十分。心跳,无法估计。

17. 学历跟人生快不快乐没什么关系,重点是一个人生活的态度:能不能幽默地看待自己,以及这个世界。

18. 时候到了,我深深挺起胸膛,吸入氧气,跟勇气。



Sunday, August 10, 2014

Winter Warmers Coffee and Tea House is well-known for their Afternoon Tea. Other than that, they also serve a wide range of tea (iced fruit tea, hot milk tea and herbal tea), Italian coffee and flavoured coffee (rose coffee, green tea coffee, chocolate mint coffee, lavender coffee, etc), western delight, pasta, Belgian waffles, sandwiches and desserts. 

They have now a total of seven branches: six in Penang and one in Selangor (The Curve). So far we only been to their outlet in Gurney Plaza and Queensbay Mall. Both outlet with relaxing and tranquil atmosphere, making it a favourite place for breakfast, lunch, high tea or dinner. Their table setting is another thing that worth a mention, classisc and unique. Flora table cloth is used and they have many distinctive design of tea cups. 

Winter Warmers at Gurney Plaza....
Our first visit to Winter Warmers in year 2012 (for dinner). It was exactly two years ago and now their menu has changed into a new one haha. 

Iced mixed fruit tea (RM11.90). 
Served chilled in a small jug and it is one of the house specialty. Slices of fruit such as orange, apple and lemon are added into the tea. Fruit can definitely jazz up any iced tea and this is doubtedlessly one great cold, refreshing drink. Not too sweet. However, the amount of ice cubes is a bit too much and the tea get diluted over time.

Jasmine freeze tea (RM 7.90).
As for this drink we don't remember how it exactly tastes like.

Fettuccine carbonara (RM 14.90).
Fettuccine is not over-cooked and we like this al dente pasta texture. The carbonara sauce is creamy but not cheesy. Overall, it tastes average to us. 

Grilled dory fish (RM 16.90).
Better than the fettuccine carbonara. The dory fish is grilled to light brown, then topped with creamy sauce. Fine texture and light flavour. Cold twisty curvy pasta salad and potato cubes are served as side. Overall, it tastes good. 

Winter Warmers at Queensbay Mall. 

Our most recent visit to Winter Warmers in July 2014. Now they have a brand new design of menu. 

And we just realized they also offer set lunch. Hence, we decided to give a try. Each set comes with a salad, a main course and  a beverage. You may also add on RM 4.50 for any of their cake of the day or cheese cake. 

For the beverage of first set lunch, we opted for their original Green tea. They have a total of five different green tea for you to choose from: moonlight roses, gunpowder, sweet osmanthus, orchid garden and jasmine paradise. We decided to go for the first one.

Moonlight roses greentea (RM 6.90).

An excellent home blends tea creates its sweet and aromatic flavour. A pot of tea with hint of floral flavor and great source of anti-oxidants. The rose fragrance is subtle and the taste is mild. An edible flower floats on top makes a darling decorative touch. 

For second set of lunch, we added RM 1 to change the black tea or green tea to other hot beverage.

Kenya tea latte (RM 7.00).

An elegant and lifely taste of tea with fresh milk makes it a perfect tea. I never heard of Kenya tea or coffee until I read a book by 九把刀 Giddens Ko, 等一个人咖啡 (cafe..waiting..love). This then peaked my curiousity and interest to give a try on Kenya tea latte. And for your information, most tea produced in Kenya is black tea. This Kenya tea latte can be considered as one of the best tea latte I ever had. Smooth and aromatic. Thumbs up. Kenya tea makes good latte.

The appetizer - Salads. 
Fresh vegetables served with in house dressing. Very good.

One of the main course, seafood spaghetti with white sauce (RM 22.90).
Normal spaghetti with generous amout of seafood such as mussels, prawn, squid and scallops. The white sauce is prepared with mushroom slices, topped with herbs sprinkles. Thick and creamy. Be sure to eat this as soon as possible after served when it is still hot.  

Another main course, baked seafood marina waffle (RM 22.90).
It is Belgian waffle, soft inside and crisp at the outside. It is topped with seafood (such as mussels, prawn, crabstick and scallop) and cheese, then, baked. This waffle is quite special because it has seafood topping instead of ice-cream, banana, cookies, honey or jam. Although the baked cheese is a bit too dry, but with seafood it makes an interesting texture teasing your taste buds with every bite. Not bad. 

We added on RM 4.50 for a piece of cheese cake, Lavender cheesecake. 

One of the unique cheesecake we have ever tasted although we were quite freak out about it in the beginning. This cheesecake is quite dense, with Lavender fragrant but not overpowering. It leaves a lingering taste on our tongue that we won't soon forget. We love the scent of Lavender. It looks attractive too, with Lavender flowerettes on top and in between the cheese cake. 

A very satisfying lunch followed by good movie, Dawn of The Planet of The Apes. ♥

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Sunday, August 3, 2014


槟城是一个很有魅力的城市,虽然游览了无数次,但是依然还没把她探索完毕。尤其是那些如雨后春笋般涌现的咖啡馆和餐厅,数量多到每日三餐把钱花光,吃到变穷都没办法把全部光临。这一篇我们要写的是坐落于 Gurney Paragon Mall 六楼的 Brown Pocket。这一篇,我们想用华语来下笔。

这一间咖啡屋,是我们去逛了槟城六号后偶然发现的 (blog link: Penang On 6,专卖咖啡和甜点(crepe, pancake, pizza),尤其是巧克力甜点。咖啡屋的外观很美,都是一大片一大片的落地玻璃。

Brown Pocket 里边的设计和装潢也不错。蛮时尚和独特的,尤其是那顶部的灯饰。店中央的柱子,被装饰成一颗灯树,树枝上结满了一颗颗灯泡果实。




Brown Pocket 是自助式 (self-service) 的咖啡馆,顾客们必须自行到柜台点餐。餐点价目表是显示在柜台后壁上。点餐付钱后店员会给你一个号码牌,随后你可以自己找个心仪的角落坐下等待招待员递上食物。





我们点了冷的抹茶拿铁(Cold Matcha latte, RM11.90),因为最近恋上了抹茶。有点失望,怎么好像有点太稀薄,抹茶味也很淡?我只能说这是一个错误的选择?也许抹茶拿铁应该要是热的才比较好喝?无所谓,不会再点冷的抹茶拿铁了。

Brown Pocket 专卖煎饼(pancakes)和华夫饼waffles),虽然选择也没有很多,大概六七样左右。因为想要“一箭双雕”,所以我们决定只点一份Banana Duet combo (RM17.90),duet 指的是pancake + waffle。香蕉口味的,还配有香草味冰淇淋。两块煎饼和一块华夫饼搭档着香蕉与冰淇淋,这四个食料所搭配的四重奏,让我们吃得乐在其中。虽然这duet combo的价格不菲。

Brown Pocket 的华夫饼都是Liège waffles是一种Belgian waffles。这种华夫饼都是里边松软,外边有点脆口的。煎饼也是松软的。嚼劲对我而言,刚刚好,恰到好处。淋上蜜糖的华夫饼,是简单却美味的味觉享受。香蕉的味道很香,当浓厚的香蕉味在嘴巴里盘旋时,带来了不一样的味觉层次感。而冰淇淋,配搭在煎饼上,是一种简单的浪漫。或许,你也会喜欢香蕉与煎饼的共舞,或者,华夫饼与冰淇淋的邂逅。

