I believe, a smile =) is a curve that sets everything straight ♥


Sunday, March 30, 2008

On 5:33 PM by Connie Lam     6 comments
Just woke up.. Duh.. It's evening already....however, im still feel sleepy and tired after a long nap... Lazy me...For your information, yesterday i only went to bed at about 4.30am....Lolx... What am i busying for ?Answers were Facebook-ing and photo editing.. =.='''I know both are such a time-wasting...

Thursday, March 27, 2008

On 2:28 AM by Connie Lam     9 comments
Tit tat tit tat... 3.01am now...juz finished my lab report nt long ago.. 20 pages =.= u knw.. ?hand a bit tired of typing.. and -ache... T_Tat tis silent night, some kinda weird emotions and feelings emerged..lonely? dread? hav worries and misgivings? suffocating?i dont knw..no idea..♥ what is feelings?...

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

On 3:34 PM by Connie Lam     2 comments
PubLic hoLiday =) finally, i can hav a break..assignments..reports..projects..all left aside...hang out wif my beloved frens sin =)After the movie The Spiderwick Chronicles....i went for another movie which titled AH LONG PTE LTD.. at 1 am.. Hmm.. it is a nice and light-hearted comedy.. it made me...

Friday, March 21, 2008

On 7:40 PM by Connie Lam     No comments
♥ anthr of my fav songs =)♥ i lUbb tis song <3♥ belOw r the lyrics ^^ If our love was a fairy taleI would charge in and rescue youOn a yacht baby we would sailTo an island where we'd say I doAnd if we had babies they would look like youIt'd be so beautiful if that came trueYou don't even know how very special you are[Chorus]You leave me breathlessYou're everything good in my lifeYou leave me...
On 6:27 PM by Connie Lam     No comments
Three thgs in live tat, once gone, never come back :- Time, Words and OpportunityThree thgs in live tat may never be lost :- Peace, Hope and HonestyThree thgs in life tat are never certain :- Dreams, Success and FortuneThree thgs tat make a man/woman :- Hard work, Sincerity and CommitmentThree thgs...

Monday, March 17, 2008

On 1:31 PM by Connie Lam     6 comments
..i haV a vRy buSy sUnDay.....a rattling time wif my frens...the piGgy me woKe up only at arOund 1.30pm..aftr taT i tOOk my lUnCh at dAManSara, nothIng spEcial, juZ chIcken rIce aNd leong char =) quite cheap and nice lolx...and then i went for a short shopping at One Utama ...thre i bought two roti...

Thursday, March 13, 2008

On 6:02 PM by Connie Lam     9 comments
* since year 2007....* gone thru uni life tat full of laboratory praticals...* at 1st it was quite irritating...* but somehow nw i started to feel tat sometimes lab pratical is fun... ## immunology lab ##crazy wif little cute chubby rat for few weeks...u can hear someone screaming out of...

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

On 2:18 PM by Connie Lam     2 comments
曾经在很高兴的时候想哭吗?曾经在看笑片的时候想哭吗?曾经在情人和你说情话的时候想哭吗?以上的曾经曾经你都试过了吗?我。。 彻底的尝试过了。。那种痛那种伤那种滋味。。好想放开了。。。My friend share a link wif me yesterday... http://www.fatemaster.tw/name.php?n1=?&n2=??&button2=??CLICK IT and TRY ^^She said this fortune-telling was accurate for her..and she asked me to give a try...Wat...