I believe, a smile =) is a curve that sets everything straight ♥


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

On 12:20 AM by Connie Lam in     3 comments
Bak Kut Teh, a well-known Klang top food attraction, is one of the food temptation which I can't resist. I just simply like the herbal soup and the pork ribs. A good food really has its power. Not those superheroes power :p but power to brighten your mood, boost ur energy etc. Can't recall...

Sunday, April 8, 2012

On 12:35 PM by Connie Lam     8 comments
This update going to be a special one as compared to other blog post of mine because u will see ZERO photo. Maybe u can skip reading it if u hate wordy post. Had a date with London Weight Management at 3pm for their free consultation and treatments session. What made me feel funny was the consultant asked me "Why you are here? You looks skinny and doesn't have weight problem.", when she first saw...

Sunday, April 1, 2012

On 1:54 PM by Connie Lam in     3 comments
2012-03-28 Wednesday Won four tickets to watch Mirror Mirror in TGV KLCC. Hence, I invited my colleagues to go along with me. Surprisingly while all the way to KLCC the traffic was so smooth. We reached there around 8pm and managed to redeem the tickets with good seats which is last row at the...