I believe, a smile =) is a curve that sets everything straight ♥


Tuesday, June 29, 2010

On 11:33 PM by Connie Lam     7 comments
Last Sunday, i went to The 3rd Malaysian International Pets & Aquactics Exhibition which held at Mid Valley Exhibition Centre after we had our toothsome lunch at Zanmai Sushi (Photos taken in Zanmai sushi not with me so Im not gonna share it in this post). At first i thought it was free entrance...

Friday, June 25, 2010

On 1:17 AM by Connie Lam     1 comment
Don't know if u are active in Tumblr, here's mine http://connie-melody.tumblr.com/Just sign up yesterday night. Still figure out how to utilize it :)Leave ur thumblr link here and i will follow ...

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

On 3:26 AM by Connie Lam     3 comments
Okay sorry guys, i know i abandoned my blog again haiz. Was really busy with works and everyday also feels very tired haiz. Anyway, here's some update to let u know Im still alive haha and Im still a healthy baby though Im just recovered from diarrhea :DStay tune and more updates coming soon :) Present...

Sunday, June 20, 2010

On 4:11 PM by Connie Lam     3 comments
Went to attend the 2010 convention for delegates of world guangxi association at Dewan Wawasan in PGRM Tower. Started from about 8pm and ended around 11.30pm. It was quite a grand event and it really surprises me. I think there was more than 1000 peoples in the hall..♥ Chinese 24 seasons drum troupe...

Monday, June 14, 2010

On 5:24 PM by Connie Lam     5 comments
Last weekend was the worst ever weekend that i had pass through.Why there's unknown people sending me sms to ask me end my relationship? And the sms contents are quite harsh.At the same time where there's people sms me scolded me BITCH and insulted me just because of Im in a relationship with him?I don't know what's their aim to do so. To care about me or what? But they hurts me....

Saturday, June 12, 2010

On 3:46 PM by Connie Lam     5 comments
Browsing through my photo album and then only I realized I have a bulk of photos haven't share it up here with u guys.Trip to Fraser HillTrip to Bukit TinggiTrip to MalaccaTrip to Kedah, Perak and PenengSkytrex ActitivitiesXenri BuffetYaki-yaki BuffetFour birthday celebrations of mineVisit to Paddington...
On 3:18 PM by Connie Lam     1 comment
.♥ Went to cut my hair or to be more accurate my fringe.♥ I think it is better to keep it short rather than long.♥ Maybe nextime i wanna cut my hair short as well, just like the hairstyle shown in below ...

Thursday, June 10, 2010

On 5:35 PM by Connie Lam     2 comments
Wanted to put this up on my blog for quite some time already but bustle of life doesn't allow me to do so sigh. Tony Roma's, one of the ribs-steak-lover-must-go restaurant. Heard that Tony Roma's is famous with their pork, which u know it definitely wont be available in Malaysia. Sigh disappointed.I...

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

On 2:37 AM by Connie Lam     No comments
On 1:55 AM by Connie Lam     1 comment
My colleague, Hun Wei and I were in The Star Newspaper hehe. But their spell my name wrong sweat *Just to share* :...

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

On 4:25 PM by Connie Lam     3 comments
Hey all. Really sorry for the very late updates. Here comes the WOC anniversary trip part 4. We had a pleasant bbq session at Roy's house. Special thanks to his parents for the toothsome nasi lemak :D Feel free to visit the links below for part 1 to part 3.WOC anniversary trip Part 1WOC anniversary...