I believe, a smile =) is a curve that sets everything straight ♥


Friday, January 28, 2011

On 11:21 PM by Connie Lam     2 comments
Date: 27-01-2011 ThursdayA super duper tiring and long hectic day due to the lab stock check activity. Though tired but sometimes I feel happy to work together with them :)See the pictures below. My friend draw a cute smiley on the nail of my toe -__- It is really cute. Ya, we always joke and make...

Monday, January 24, 2011

On 10:47 PM by Connie Lam     2 comments
Finally Avril Lavigne going to release her new album (titled "Goodbye Lullaby") this year after so long. Can't wait for it and I love both the album cover and title! Had I ever tell u that I love Avril Lavigne besides Jay Chow?Come come visit her official website at http://www.avrillavigne.com/us/home...

Sunday, January 23, 2011

On 12:20 AM by Connie Lam in ,     4 comments
Date: 19.01.2011A simple dinner with the gang of labmates at Hailam Kopitiam which located at PJ Section 17 after a long tiring day. This is my third time visit to this concept cafe which serves the original Hainanese tastes. I can't comment much on their foods because so far i had tried only two main...

Sunday, January 16, 2011

On 8:03 PM by Connie Lam     2 comments
Date: 15.01.2011If u want to have a new look, hair dying is a good way to achieve it? What do u think? Recently I'm kind of bored with my current hair condition neither the hair style nor the hair color. So i had decided to dye my hair. Apparently i had no idea with what color i should choose so it...

Monday, January 10, 2011

On 3:39 PM by Connie Lam     3 comments
Are u a food lover? Then are u a big fans of claypot chicken rice? If yes, then I guess u wouldn't want to miss this superb claypot chicken rice. The stall which selling the claypot chicken rice named "Hometown Clay Pot Chicken Rice". It's in Sorn Restaurant which located at Sea Park, Petaling Jaya...

Saturday, January 8, 2011

On 11:58 PM by Connie Lam     4 comments
.♥ Rock candy from Universal Studios of Singapore. Had u ever try it?.♥ This is how it looks like. Nice right? And each of them have different fruit flavor. Nice on...

Sunday, January 2, 2011

On 12:57 PM by Connie Lam     1 comment
Time flies. Year 2010 had came to the end and now it's time to welcome New Year's 2011 and say a fond goodbye to 2010. Supposedly to go to Singapore for the new year countdown but plan cancelled due to some minor problem with the car haiz. Hence went to chill at Pavilion and shopping before heading...