I believe, a smile =) is a curve that sets everything straight ♥


Monday, February 28, 2011

On 5:34 PM by Connie Lam in , ,     2 comments
I ♥ HK! What's that cross ur mind when u first see the title "I ♥ HK"? The latest Hong Kong movie casting by Eric Tsang and many others famous actors actresses? :p Hahhah then u make a wrong guess. I'm just want to share with u a cute souvenir that I got from a friend. Thanks to her for buying...

Sunday, February 27, 2011

On 3:22 AM by Connie Lam in     6 comments
I feel so happy that I received National Science Foundation (NSF) scholarship from Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI). This is a great award as well as a powerful encouragement for me to continue striving for my postgraduate study! Ya, for u to get to know more about me, I think...

Friday, February 25, 2011

On 6:39 PM by Connie Lam in ,     1 comment
It's not too late yet to blog and share about all the happenings during Chinese New Year right? This update gonna be a short one because my rabbit CNY's day one just nothing much to talk about. This year I'm not really longing for the arrival of CNY, it seems getting more and more boring year by year....

Friday, February 18, 2011

On 5:10 PM by Connie Lam in , ,     2 comments
Happy birthday to Xin Yan (my lovely housemate), a very sweet and friendly girl ♥ Sharp at 12am, we gave her a birthday surprise. We bought her a cake. Ain't the cake looks just so flavorful and decorated? :D Although it was not a big surprise but I think it will be a memorable one. Everyone...

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

On 4:13 PM by Connie Lam in , ,     5 comments
Guess none of u ever heard about Mr. Bear cafe, right? Coz it's a new concept cafe which located at a small town in Pahang (Mentakab). But if there's the other Mr. Bear cafe, please do lemme now. I won't hesitate to pay a visit to check it out, to try on new foods, etc.  Speaking of "Mr. Bear",...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

On 2:14 AM by Connie Lam in ,     1 comment
Happy Chinese New Year everyone!!  I'm back in hometown (Mentakab, Pahang) since Monday, together with my youngest brother. Can't wait to celebrate this long-waiting CNY hehe although it's gonna be a short and rush one. Why? Because I'm only available on Chor Yat (初一) to gather with friends and...

Sunday, February 6, 2011

On 6:45 PM by Connie Lam in     5 comments
A story to share with u guys :) This is very interesting..........(to men) please take time to ponder........(to women) enjoy the story.......... Young King Arthur was ambushed and imprisoned by the monarch of aneighbouring kingdom. The monarch could have killed him but was moved byArthur's youth and ideals. So, the monarch offered him his freedom, as longas he could answer a very difficult...