I believe, a smile =) is a curve that sets everything straight ♥


Monday, March 30, 2009

On 3:28 PM by Connie Lam in     7 comments
♥ Just wanted to share some of the awesome advertisement pictars of Jay =)♥ Im so in love with Jay Chou~~~♥ Just drop a comment or bash at me whether u love this or not ~ xD♥ Thumb up...

Saturday, March 28, 2009

On 3:37 PM by Connie Lam     7 comments
Im getting bored of my routine life..Im tired and vexed to be in adverse circumstances..Try many ways to ease all the miserable feelings..One of the best way ever - Hang out with friends and eat ~ xDWent to KimGary yesterday night to fill our empty stomach..♥ Cream soup ~ Always my favorite...♥ My...

Thursday, March 26, 2009

On 6:54 PM by Connie Lam in , ,     6 comments
♥ I found this meaningful..♥ Credits to Max Uan who forwarded this email to me..Hello There Nice Person;Did Anyone Ever Tell You, Just How Special You Are. The Light that You EmitMight even Light a Star Did Anyone ever tell You How Important You make Others Feel. Somebody out here is Smiling. About...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

On 3:34 PM by Connie Lam in     7 comments
Went to watch movie with my brother, Shireen and Julian after buffet-ing in Jogoya..Movie : Street Fighter - The Legend of Chun LiRatings : ★I have to start this movie review with a word - disappointed..If u want to go and watch this movie because u are a big fan of Street Fighter, you seriously will...

Monday, March 23, 2009

On 3:11 AM by Connie Lam     8 comments
Get to know about Mr.Baoz from Casey and KampungboyCitygirl..If not mistaken, Mr.Baoz is considered as one of the top food spot in Taiwan which selling varities of bao (steamed bun)..Without taking any long consideration, we go and give a try on it even though im not really a big fans of bao...♥ For...

Saturday, March 21, 2009

On 11:17 PM by Connie Lam in , , ,     5 comments

Friday, March 20, 2009

On 3:30 PM by Connie Lam     8 comments
Thanks for all my friends who cheers me when im down, who concerns about me, who encourages me whenever i need them...Finally my mood back to as happy as always although im suffering stomachache due to period...Today im going to blog something that can make me happy, that's food ! ~xDWhat do u think...

Thursday, March 19, 2009

On 1:30 AM by Connie Lam in ,     9 comments
I always try to stay strong..I always try to be a stout fella..I always try not to be a crybaby...I always try to believe..I always try to solve something out...I always try to see the bright side of the thing instead of the bad one...So that the miserable feelings will not emerge anymore..But tonight,...